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Don’t Quit: Tips To Keep Playing

Top tips to avoid quitting and help you keep on track.

Studies show that people learning a new instrument tend to give up after three months. To avoid becoming part of the statistics, here are 5 tips to quit-proof yourself.

  1. Concentrate on the Hard Stuff First – Don’t Postpone It

Most people have a habit of putting off the hard stuff. However, choosing to do the hard stuff is what makes you a better player. Once you start seeing results you will be more motivated to continue. Invest in a guitar that makes you want to play at

  1. Be Patient

You need to have reasonable expectations. Keep in mind that becoming a good player doesn’t happen overnight. You are better off playing 10 minutes a day for two weeks than playing an hour a day for three days. Remember this is a marathon not a sprint. Pursue the challenge to the end and you will be impressed with the results.

  1. There Will Be Frustrations

You should be prepared for frustrations along the way. Adopt a positive mindset. Try to divide tasks into small manageable tasks and learn to take breaks and get back to it when you are fresh and energised. Persistence is key.

  1. Take Action Daily

As they say, practice makes perfect. It is important to stick with a consistent practice schedule. Many people eventually drop out due to the lack of a consistent schedule.

  1. Pick a Song That You Want to Play

Split the steps to help you achieve your goals. Master the chords and techniques, practice in parts and begin with the simplest sections.

While your goals are bound to change over time, sticking with it will help you get there. Learning how to play a guitar takes time and effort. Thus, by quitting early, you will never discover how good of a player you can be.


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