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5 Exciting Job Opportunities After EWP Training


If you’ve got an adventurous streak and you’re always aiming for the sky, you might just find your calling after an Elevated Work Platform (EWP) training. As the Australian job market grows diverse, more and more exciting opportunities are emerging for those with an EWP ticket under their belt. Now let’s get down to the nitty-gritty.

What is EWP Training?

You may be asking, “What on earth is EWP training in Brisbane?” It’s as exciting as it sounds! EWP training equips you with the skills to operate boom-type Elevating Work Platforms that have a boom length of 11 metres or more. This specialised training is a big deal in industries like construction and mining, and even in rescue services. In Australia, it’s legally mandatory for such operations, making it a golden ticket to a plethora of job opportunities. So buckle up, and let’s delve into this further.

Factors Influencing Job Opportunities after EWP Training

When you’re armed with EWP training, your job prospects can skyrocket. But remember, these opportunities can vary based on a few things. The industry growth, your specific location in Australia, and the level of your training all play a part. Let’s not forget that safety regulations, which are the bread and butter of EWP, also have a major impact. Speaking of impact, let’s jump right into the thrilling job opportunities awaiting you.

Overview of 5 Exciting Job Opportunities after EWP Training

Right, so you’ve earned your EWP stripes and you’re wondering, “What’s next?”. From high-rise construction gigs to working in the fast-paced mining industry, the world’s your oyster. Let’s peel back the curtain and explore these jobs that can make your career skyrocket.

Job Opportunity 1: Construction Work

Ever been awe-struck by those towering skyscrapers? Well, you can be part of the team that brings them to life. Construction jobs are some of the most dynamic roles out there, with a wide range of responsibilities. As a construction worker, you could be installing windows on the 50th floor or fixing a leaky roof atop a multi-story building. Talk about a job with a view!

Job Opportunity 2: High-Rise Window Cleaning

If you’re not afraid of heights and have a meticulous streak, high-rise window cleaning might just be your cup of tea. With your EWP training, you’ll be geared up to clean and maintain windows on sky-scraping buildings. It’s an important job, and hey, it comes with panoramic city views!

Job Opportunity 3: Mining Industry Roles

The mining industry is a bedrock of Australia’s economy, and EWP-trained professionals are a major asset here. From maintaining and inspecting heavy machinery to performing rescue operations, you’ll be a real life-saver. And remember, with safety being the name of the game in mining, your EWP skills will be highly valued.

Job Opportunity 4: Equipment Maintenance and Inspection

Got an eye for detail? In the equipment maintenance and inspection field, you’ll make sure everything’s tickety-boo. You could be responsible for the upkeep of complex machinery, ensuring everything’s running smoothly and safely. With your EWP training, you’ll be a sought-after professional in this meticulous and critical field.

Job Opportunity 5: Emergency Rescue Services

Want to make a real difference and save lives? With EWP training, you can join the brave souls in emergency rescue services. From plucking people from burning high-rises to rescuing workers stuck in malfunctioning machinery, you’ll be a true hero. It’s not just a job – it’s a calling.

Conclusion: The Future of EWP Trained Professionals

There you have it – the exciting world that opens up with EWP training. As the Australian job market continues to evolve, so do the opportunities for those with EWP skills. Whether it’s in the hustle and bustle of construction, the precision of high-rise cleaning, or the thrilling field of emergency rescue, you’re set for a career that’s anything but run-of-the-mill.

  1. How much does the EWP training course with Vertical Horizonz cost?

The cost of the EWP training course with Vertical Horizonz is $650. This price is inclusive of all the necessary training materials, guidance from professional trainers, and the final assessment.

  1. What is the duration of the EWP training course at Vertical Horizonz?

The EWP training course at Vertical Horizonz is designed to be comprehensive yet efficient. The course spans over 2 days, allowing you to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to operate a boom type elevating work platform safely and effectively.

  1. What is the minimum and maximum number of attendees for the EWP training course at Vertical Horizonz?

At Vertical Horizonz, we believe in providing quality training with an emphasis on individual attention. For this reason, we maintain a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 attendees in each EWP training course. This way, each participant gets the attention and guidance they need.

  1. What competencies will I gain from the EWP training course at Vertical Horizonz?

Upon successful completion of the EWP training course at Vertical Horizonz, you will be awarded the ‘TLILIC0005 – Licence to operate a boom type elevating work platform’ unit of competency. This nationally recognized certification demonstrates your ability to operate a boom type elevating work platform safely and effectively.

  1. Can I expect hands-on training in the EWP training course at Vertical Horizonz?

Absolutely! Our EWP training course is designed to be practical and hands-on. Over the 2 days of training, you will learn not only the theoretical aspects but also have plenty of opportunities to gain practical skills under the careful supervision of our experienced trainers. This combination ensures you leave the course fully confident in your abilities.


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