Enter the West Hollywood Screenwriting Competition
So many new festivals and competitions enter the scene each year, slowly building into the grand events we know them as today. But is it worth it to enter a new competition? Yes, because when a competition is new, their focus is on the creator, not the glory. The West Hollywood Screenwriting Competition is the perfect opportunity for writers as the newest screenwriting competition.
In its initial year for 2020, the West Hollywood Screenwriting Competition offers entrants a chance to get their introduction to West Hollywood. People from all over the world come to this part of town to get their chance. This competition is just trying to do their part, getting new faces a foot in the door with the right people.
Why should I enter this one over a more established competition?
Simple: they focus on you more. Created by people who have fought their way into the industry, the West Hollywood Screenwriting Competition is here to bring you closer to your goal: paid work and recognition in the industry. Other competitions may have started with similar values, but as time went on, they cared more about being an important competition than helping get writers in with the right people.
But since the West Hollywood Screenwriting Competition is just beginning, they have time to focus on you and your work. Plus, unlike most competitions that promise you meetings with random agents and executives in the industry, this competition gets you with the best people in your genre. If you write a winning drama, you’re introduced to executives specializing in drama, thriller matches with thriller executives, and so on.
This is for those who can’t catch a break
We know the story. You move out to LA, ready to make it big. You write the screenplay of your life, knowing it’s easily your best work. But every door, every phone call, every move you make leads to rejection. It’s difficult to deal with sometimes. But this is why competitions like the West Hollywood Screenwriting Competition exist.
You probably have been sending your work to every possible person you could, with no success, send it in to the West Hollywood Screenwriting Competition. If you get named a semi-finalist, that’s recognition you can add to your script pitch. If your script is good enough to be a finalist or take home the top prize, you automatically get a meeting where all eyes and ears are on you. It’s every writer’s dream.
There’s no opportunity like this one. Submit your work on the West Hollywood Screenwriting Competition’s FilmFreeway page, and get yourself the shot you’ve been waiting for. You have until April 14th to make it count.