How to Maintain Balance as You Age
Maintaining balance is a crucial aspect of daily life, enabling us to move freely and confidently. Even the simplest tasks require balance and movement from your body. As we age our balance can gradually decline due to various factors, increasing the risk of falls and injuries. The good news is that there are proactive steps we can take to preserve and enhance our balance as we grow older, we just have to put in a little extra work. It is also a good idea to go to balance physical therapy to supplement the other work you put in. Below are a few things we can do to help maintain balance as we age and prevent potential injuries.
Stay Active with Regular Exercise
Regular physical activity is one of the most effective ways to maintain balance and stability as you age. When you exercise you are able to improve strength, flexibility, and coordination. Through movements such as walking, you are using your muscles and tendons that help keep you un right. This gives you a chance to strengthen them and allows your body to be able to do more. Activities like swimming, yoga, and walking are particularly beneficial for balance. These exercises help strengthen muscles and enhance proprioception, the body’s awareness of its position in space. If you want your body to stay in good health, exercise is a great way to do so!
Focus on Core Strengthening
A strong core is vital for maintaining balance and stability. All the other muscles in your body are also important, but your core keeps you stable and connects all the other muscles together. Include core-strengthening exercises in your workout routine, such as planks, bridges, and seated or standing abdominal exercises. When you prioritize your core, you will feel more stable doing easy tasks but also the harder tasks that require more strength of your body. A stable core provides a solid foundation for all your movements and helps prevent falls.
Fall-Proof Your Home
Make your living environment safe by removing potential hazards that could lead to falls. Or adding things to your home that can help you catch yourself if you find that you are falling. Keep walkways clear of clutter, secure rugs to the floor, and install handrails on stairs and in the bathroom. The less you have in your home, the less likely you are to catch on to something and get off balance. Adequate lighting throughout your home is essential, especially in areas prone to shadows or poor visibility. When moving throughout your home at night, be sure that you are turning on lights to know exactly where you are walking and to avoid any potential hazards.
Maintain Bone Health
As you get older, sadly you are just more likely to fall. This can be even more worrisome since your bones are also not as strong as they used to be. Strong bones are less susceptible to fractures in case of a fall so you want to be sure that you are doing what you can to aid in your bone health. Ensure you have a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D to support bone health. Regular weight-bearing exercises like walking or dancing can also help improve bone density. Read More