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7 Glutamine-Rich Foods For Your Better Health

Glutamine is an amino acid that is essential for a wide variety of body processes, such as building and repairing muscle, maintaining a healthy immune system, and maintaining stable blood sugar levels. It’s good for your digestion since it helps keep cells in your stomach running on energy. Increasing your intake of glutamine-rich meals can aid in the maintenance of these processes and good health in general. You can increase your intake of glutamine by eating the following foods:

1. Nuts & Seeds

In addition to providing energy and protein, nuts and seeds also contain glutamine, which aids in the repair and healing of sore muscles and other tissues after exercise. For optimal energy before a workout, eat a handful of nuts (such as almonds, peanuts, cashews, walnuts, or pistachios) and a piece of fruit. Or you can include nut butter like peanut butter, almond butter, and cashew butter in your diet. And the best part is you can get the quality and best almond, cashew and peanut butter price online.

Pumpkin seeds and chia seeds are also wonderful additions to smoothies and are great to sprinkle on top of oats, so be sure to stock up on bags of them.

2. Chicken

Another excellent source of glutamine, chicken provides roughly 1.5 grams per 3-ounce serving. It’s a healthy alternative to red meat and may be cooked in a wide range of ways to suit different palates.

3. Dairy

Cottage cheese, greek yogurt, and whey protein powder are all good sources of glutamine because they are all dairy products. There are roughly 6 grams of glutamine in a single cup of cottage cheese, while there are about 5 grams in a cup of Greek yogurt.

4. Eggs

One large egg provides roughly 0.5 grams of glutamine, making it a good source as well. Eggs are an excellent source of protein, healthy fats, and a variety of vitamins and minerals.

5. Legumes

Glutamine is also prevalent in legumes including beans, lentils, and peas. About 2 grams of glutamine can be found in a cup of cooked lentils, but only 1.5 grams can be found in a cup of cooked black beans. Plant-based protein and dietary fibre can both be found in abundance in legumes.

6. Fish

The amino acid glutamine is abundant in fish, notably cod and halibut. Cod has roughly 1.2 grams of glutamine per 3-ounce serving, while halibut has about 1 gram. Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins B12 and D, and protein all come together in fish.

7. Veggies

In addition to meat and dairy products, veggies such as spinach, parsley, cabbage, and beet greens are rich in glutamine. Roughly half a gram of glutamine is found in cooked spinach, while about 0.6 grams can be found in cooked beet greens.

Though high in glutamine, these foods should still be consumed in moderation and as part of a healthy, well-rounded diet. Furthermore, it is best to contact with your healthcare expert before making any big dietary changes, especially if you are suffering any health difficulties or are already taking any drugs.


In conclusion, glutamine is a vital amino acid involved in numerous physiologic processes. Eating meals high in glutamine can assist promote these processes and boost health in general. Poultry, fish, dairy, eggs, legumes, fruits, and vegetables and its tasty recipes are all excellent choices for obtaining glutamine. Consuming these items in moderation and as part of a well-rounded diet is essential for good health.

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