How online casinos and slots are regulated in the Netherlands
It’s no secret online slots and casinos have grown in popularity over the years. Especially with the COVID-19 pandemic shutting down most major casinos, people have turned to the internet to get their gambling thrills. So, how is this business regulated when it’s happening in a digital space?
We’re here to explain exactly why online slots and casinos are safe to play in Spain and how the government makes sure of it. Using the best online slot information in the industry, we’re here to show you exactly why you can trust online casinos and should give them a shot next time you want to spin some slots.
Regulating gambling on and offline
In nearly every country in the world, the federal government has some form of gambling agency to regulate all gambling activities. Even in countries like Japan where traditional gambling is banned, there are still departments in place to manage activities that could constitute gambling.
This is no different in the Netherlands. The Gambling Authority oversees all gambling activities, whether it be gambling permits, winnings, or scams. Anytime you buy a lottery ticket, make a sporting bet, or spin a slot machine, they’re the ones overseeing it.
But their work doesn’t just end with physical gambling. They also are the ones who set the rules for online gambling, and give out permits for online casinos to operate within the country’s borders. Online slots have to go through the government to be allowed to operate within the Netherlands.
International rules
Of course, not every online casino available to Dutch gamblers is based out of the Netherlands. Some sites are based in different countries, but have permission from the Netherlands government to accept Dutch players. Even then, the Netherlands government still verifies they are regulated and legally allowed to operate in the country they’re based in.
This is why most online casinos will show their country affiliation at the bottom of the page, so you know they’re regulated by a government agency, whether it be in the U.S., Curacao, or Brazil. It’s no fun playing online slots when you can’t trust the website you’re gambling on.
Best games in Netherlands
Now that you know how games are regulated, you’re probably wondering what your best options are. If you’re looking for slots, play with the best online slots at Bob Casino. If you want poker, try Pronto Casino. If you want an online casino that you can access on mobile, Slotty Vegas offers mobile games at no extra cost.
Are different games regulated differently?
Now, if you’re looking to play slots, you may wonder if these online slots are held to the same standard as, say, sports betting or online poker. The truth is all of them are held to a similar standard.
You can’t be harsh on online slots but let shady behavior slide in the world of online poker. Same applies to letting online slots slide and cracking down on sports betting. The Netherlands treats all online casinos the same, in that they make sure they’re legitimately offering fair odds to players, and giving people their winnings in an easy to access manner.
If you decide to try out an online casino in the Netherlands, you can do so with the sound of mind that it’s being regulated by the government. With that protection behind these online casinos, you can gamble the night away until you hit the jackpot.