Agrie Ahmad aka Bartmann Bringing Facial Hair Back in Style
For some men, facial hair is more than just a fashion trend and they wear their beards for religious observance. Over the centuries, society has in turn frowned upon or admired facial hair according to fashion trends at the time.
Even Charles Darwin looked for an explanation of the evolution of beards and hypothesized that beards were likely the process of sexual selection, something reaffirmed by modern scientists. Since evidence shows that women are attracted to me with beards, it is no wonder that beards are totally back in style. It is with the help of beard professionals like Agrie Ahmad that men can ensure to sport the right beard to suit their facial features.
Cultivating a great beard
Agrie Ahmad is the famous German Bartmann (Beardman) – a justifiable title for a man who has brought beards to the forefront in the German-speaking world. Since last year, Agrie Ahmad is the new owner of one of the most popular German barbershops.
It was while studying Business Management in Mannheim, the town he was born in, that Agrie Ahmad started growing his facial hair. At the age of 22, he already had an even beard but was finding it extremely difficult to grow it long. He soon realized that a lush beard required quite a bit of patience and effort on his part.
It wasn’t long before the well-known YouTuber realized that there was hardly any information available in his native German online on how to grow the perfect beard. He followed whatever tips he could find and tried a huge range of foreign beard products. Agrie grasped that the industry had huge potential and quickly put his internet marketing experience to good use by setting up his own YouTube channel.
Getting a business off the ground
Being in front of the camera was a great experience for the young entrepreneur. His initial videos were all about beard grooming, but he soon realized people wanted more information about washing, blow-drying, and even coloring their beards.
Starting a new business is always hard, and besides testing everything on himself, Agrie also was the model during the shoots. In the beginning, he even used his mobile phone to make his first videos. At that stage, all the products he tried were imported from America, England, and Ireland.
Agrie Ahmad did not feel any pressure to make a lot of money right from the start of his business because he was still at college. However, he was soon approached for various collaborations, making him realize the potential of what he had started.
Besides spending time filming and editing videos for his followers, he also started testing barbers and making online video assessments of them. Barbers were thrilled at the sudden increase in business and reported back that Agrie was bringing them lots of business from far afield for haircuts and beard care.
Developing a local beard oil
Agrie Ahmad soon teamed up with a pharmacist in Karlsruhe to make a local beard care product. He had been experimenting for some time on his own, but needed to start a proper production line. It wasn’t long before orders were flowing in faster than anticipated. From an enterprise where he was doing the packaging and posting alone, it soon grew to the point where the business needed to ship hundreds of parcels a day. It was time to launch his beard oils on Amazon.
Today, Bartmann helps more than just young people with makeovers and style awareness but is also committed to helping others. He believes in offering the right to feel good to the homeless and those in need. You can watch Agrie Ahmad reaching out to some people on his YouTube videos.
During some touchingly emotional moments, you can see people like Peter from Germany and Kasim in Istanbul undergoing complete transformations.
Now Agrie Ahmad is spreading his wings to distant Dubai, where he recently moved with his wife and two children. It is almost certain that he will continue to offer advice to men about the best beard styles to match their features.
Whether you prefer the popular three-day stubble, well-defined tapered look, or the fuller beard, Agrie Ahmad is a master of the beard game. He is one of the people who has played a major role in bringing facial hair back in style over the last few years and his followers watch him closely to ensure they are aware of the latest beard trends.