Magical places: Get to know ‘Big Sky’ star Dedee Pfeiffer
Dedee Pfeiffer has had a legendary career in film and television. She’s been on such hit shows as Cybil and Find Your Love, in addition to guest spots on classics like Seinfeld, Friends, and Ellen. Despite her staggering list of credentials, Pfeiffer has continued to refine her craft and add new elements of dynamism and depth to her performances.
The actress currently stars on the NBC drama Big Sky, and Film Daily was fortunate enough to sit down with her and discuss her approach, her experience during production, and her advocacy for recovery in Hollywood.
Here’s what she had to say:
What are you most excited about for Season 3 of Big Sky?
OMG!!! I’m excited about many things… I’m 58 years old and working within the beautiful land of New Mexico! I get the opportunity to play the awesome role of Denise again for our 3rd season! And how can anyone not be excited to work with our amazing new guest stars this season: Reba, Rex, Jensen, Luke, to mention a few of our new Big Sky family… Oh and speaking of New Mexico… I’m excited to see another UFO/UAP LOL!
What can we expect for Denise’s story line this season- anything you can tease?
Well…. Our show is ALL about surprising our fans, so all I can say is you will see Denise out of the office. Why? Gotta tune in to find out LOL! But to say she’s a fish outta water is an understatement. Some people are just comfortable in their natural environments and behave differently when plugged out of their comfort zone!
What’s it like filming on location in New Mexico?
Filming in such a spiritual and magical place, such as New Mexico, is such a gift and one that I don’t take lightly. Most people’s work backdrops are an office cubicle or more currently, their living rooms, so for us on Big Sky to be so lucky to have roaming mountains, lakes, streams, trees, wild animals all around us, (not to mention the kind New Mexico people), is beyond a dream come true. To say Mother Earth wraps her loving arms around us everyday is an understatement!
Looking back at the first two seasons, is there a favorite memory from the set or episode you enjoyed shooting the most and why?
One thing everyone will say about me is I LOVE going to work, so everyday I am working is a special and fun experience for all around me! Every episode and scene I’m in are my favorite(s)! I will say that the scenes I love the most are when the girls (Kylie & Kathrine) and I are in D&H, it’s getting late, everyone is tired, and then the ‘silly, overtired, under your breath, giggles’ come over our bodies making it hard to keep a straight face when our characters are trying to be serious. So fun, because it takes one wrong look and we’re cracking up which is great for our spirit and the crew’s morale, but I bet the producers are probably not as amused as we are lol!
In the show your character is all about helping people- how does that transcend into the work you do in your life?
Thank you for bringing that up because helping people has always been a huge part of my life’s journey since I was a child. So, when David gave me this amazing opportunity to play such a caring and loving character such as Denise, it goes without saying portraying her helps with my own recovery and other’s journeys with addiction. Those who follow me on social media know that my attention is always to be authentic and help others through difficult times. Having this celebrity platform helps me reach many others on a larger scale, which is so important to me.
You’re a big advocate for recovery which affects Hollywood talent quite often, and are in recovery yourself. What do you want others to know about recovery especially with September being National Recovery Month?
It’s important to me to reach out to those who are not only already on their recovery journey, but to those who are still in their disease and suffering. Asking for help is still so hard because of the shame that surrounds and suffocates those actively in their disease and I say “disease” because addiction is not a choice! It’s a disease and like with any other diseases, asking for help can make the difference between living or going to the light too soon (I don’t believe in death).
My hope is that my being so open and transparent about my addiction/recovery will hopefully help even just one person. It’s detrimental to let people know that they are not alone! Those who are afraid to make that leap from the “Identified Problem”, to the “Identified Possibility” (which is what happens the minute you ask for help and start the work involved with recovery) need to know that there is help out there when they are ready… we’re over here waiting to help support your journey over to the side where all the possibilities are waiting for you…
Anything else we should keep an eye out for Season 3?
YEP! Jensen aka: Beau! He’s so sweet, talented, and funny! Not to mention nice on the eyes and don’t think Denise doesn’t notice that!!!! Also, I asked Reba to go UFO hunting with me…. I’ll keep ya posted if we find any LOL! Like I said… we are in New Mexico!!!!