Is Drama a Good Career Choice?
Thousands of students annually turn to dramatic art studies. Some do it to achieve worldwide fame, others because they love the art, and others because they don’t know where else to turn. This raises the question of whether studying drama is a good career choice, given that apart from the obvious of becoming an actor or actress, studying drama also involves many other things.
Let’s look at what defines a drama career and where it can take you in your professional and personal life.
With today’s social media landscape, studying drama has become more popular than ever. Where once schools and universities were almost exclusively limited to big cities, today they are popping up like mushrooms.
Although it’s not even close to studying medicine, a degree in drama has its relevance. The comparison with medicine is because to qualify as an actor, screenwriter, director, or any other profession related to drama, it is not necessary to have a degree.
Although drama majors have their complex theoretical work, with drama essay examples as their bread and butter, then there is also what sets drama apart from all other majors. We are talking about a career that combines both those essay examples when it comes to the theory of the profession, with the experience of acting.
And yet, when we take a look at the most representative actors of our era, such as Meryll Streep, Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, or even Marilyn Monroe, there is one thing they all have in common: a solid degree in drama.
Positive Aspects of Choosing this Career
Hardly any other career will get you into the profession itself from day one. In drama, a student is already an actor from the very first minute. That student still doesn’t know that, but that changes in a heartbeat.
It’s a dynamic career, which is incredibly deep, bringing out the most intimate sides of the students.
Apart from the obvious, which is the advantage of becoming a better actor, drama makes a student become a better all-around professional. Why? Well, because drama focuses on the individual him/herself, and what his/her best traits are.
Negative Aspects of Choosing this Career
So many parents always warn their children to be careful if they want to study drama in college. The truth is that students understand this deep down, but they will also do their best to contradict their parents.
It turns out that drama is not a normal major, as it is a so-called non-compulsory apprenticeship. As mentioned above, actors can be actors without the need to have gone through university.
This has always been a huge obstacle for the acting careers themselves, since if there is no certain obligation, then it will always be optional. Most of the professional actors did nothing more than individual courses to improve their skills.
Another aspect that could be considered negative is that drama congregates many different individuals. The main group that goes to study drama are those who are fascinated by the art and want to be part of it, but unfortunately, that group is only a small percentage.
Then some people believe for sure that the career will propel them towards fame. Others even think that they are already so talented that the career only serves as a place to be discovered.
All of these elements have to coexist together throughout the career, which can have a significant bearing on those who strive for the best results.
Typical Performing Arts Jobs
When you think of a drama career, you probably think only of actors. And that is the goal of 99% of those who study it, but other professions flourish from this career. These are the most prominent ones:
- Dramatherapist
- Theatre Director
- Set Designer
- Stage Manager
- Broadcast Presenter
- Scriptwriter
- Community Arts Worker
- Teacher
Drama is a rather complex degree. Of course, it is a very interesting option, but it also requires a lot of commitment and effort.
What many people don’t know is that drama does not take place on stage, but also behind tables and a lot of individual work. Since It is a very complete education that can take those who study it into all directions and environments of the business world.
Of course, if you don’t like having an essay as a homework assignment or perhaps you feel uncomfortable expressing yourself in public, then you should look for another university degree.
Those who do feel the passion and self-confidence to study drama will enjoy this career like nothing else they’ve ever done on this planet. It is an incredibly complex yet delicate degree, so if you feel ready to take on the world and create art – then this is the only career destination.