Film Daily

Always now, forever independent

Film Daily is a new online platform connecting audiences with indie filmmakers via news, views and reviews.

Our aim is to herald the golden age of the auteur and give everyone the tools to become a creator.

Our editorial is snarky, sassy, seriously silly, and flip – but never flippant. We employ fearless reporters and ruthless editors. We want your clicks, but won’t bait them. We promise no waffle, no filler, and no spite in our analysis.

We keep you entertained about entertainment.

We’re your guide to

Outsider storytelling emphasizing equality and diversity

Film education & the craft of filmmaking & screenwriting

The industry, film festivals, and film platforms

Current film news

Breaking into the business of content creation

Our beat covers

The creative & production process

Innovators & iconoclasts

The best in film, TV, cable, and streaming

Filmmakers breaking boundaries

Quality, thought-provoking content

Industry news relating to our mission & vision


Film Daily is distributed daily via our website and a newsletter to 300,000 (and growing) film fans.

Film Daily is also printed in a magazine format twice yearly, starting in February 2018, which will be distributed via our film festival and indie cinema network in the UK and US.

Daily features will be posted across social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Vimeo) and around the web via news aggregation apps (Google News, Muck Rack, Feedly, Digg, Epictions).

Based on our marketing strategy and existing networks, we are aiming for 100,000 unique views per day between July and August 2017, increasing tenfold to 1 million per day from October onwards.

The Film Daily feature

Film Daily exists to connect audiences with indie film & TV professionals.

Your feature will be seen by at least 100,000 eyeballs belonging to film fans in the US, UK and AU.

You will be given the opportunity to dive deeply into your chosen topic, explaining your choices in context to an audience who really care. Film Daily will open the conversation about your work to a wider audience and we will continue to facilitate this conversation across our platforms.

You will be able to shape the minds of young filmmakers & writers.

Our Audience

Ages 20-55 — 50% male, 50% female

Filmmakers & Film fans

Content creators & media industry workers

People from diverse backgrounds

Early adopters & Tech-native users

Our Mission

to encourage a new generation of auteurs and writers


to celebrate contemporary filmmaking worldwide