How To Deal With A Car Rental Accident In Dubai
Accidents can happen to any driver, regardless of how much experience they have. Every person who owns a car must have insurance, and this insurance policy details the parties whose responsibility is to pay any costs linked with incidents involving the owner’s automobiles and sgt auto transport reviews.
What are the policies regarding damage to rental cars in Dubai? This book will walk you through all you need to know in the event that you ever find yourself in a scenario like this one.
Avoid panicking and do not escape
Whenever we are involved in a collision, our natural response is almost always to panic. You are gravely mistaken if you believe that fleeing the scene of the crime would either buy you some time or assist you in avoiding being punished for what you have done.
Instead, it can have catastrophic implications and make a bad situation even worse if you don’t use roadrunner auto transport, such as the tenant pursuing punitive legal action against you, which will be expensive and embarrassing.
Another possibility is that it could make the situation even worse than it already is.
Verify the safety of the passengers
In order to fulfil the requirements of your obligation in an appropriate manner, it is incumbent upon you to keep an eye out for the health of everyone who is riding in either of the vehicles.
In the event that someone has been harmed and requires immediate aid, the number to call for assistance is 999, which is the emergency line of the local police department. It is expected that the response time of the local police and fire departments would be rapid and that they will do their duties well.
Inform the rental company
When the investigation into the incident has been completed by the relevant authorities, the next step will be to inform the car rental business about what took place.
In Dubai, the vast majority of collisions involving rented vehicles are covered by the insurance that is supplied by the automobile rental company, and the car rental company is typically held liable for the collision.
The motorist, on the other hand, is responsible for paying any additional costs that are incurred that are in excess of what the insurer pays.
The costs associated with substantial damages, such as vehicle theft, are not covered by standard insurance policies; however, premium insurance policies do cover these costs.
Standard insurance policies do not cover these costs. The driver of the car is the one who is responsible for paying for any necessary repairs, regardless of how significant the damages may be.
Purchase a Collision Damage Waiver
When it comes to accidents involving rental cars, the driver who is found to be at fault is the one who is liable for making up for any damages caused to the rental vehicle company.
However, if you buy a collision damage waiver (CDW), you can reduce that figure to a level that is agreeable to all parties and save money in the process.
Collision damage waiver, more often known as CDW, is a supplementary insurance policy that renters have the option to purchase.
In the event that they are involved in an accident or their car rental automobile is stolen, this waiver protects them from financial devastation.
What kinds of automobile crashes are common in Dubai, and How can you prevent them?
You should never try to elude the authorities by fleeing the site of an accident, regardless of how minor the collision may have been.
It is against the law to leave the scene of an accident, and if you are caught doing so, you will be subject to a fine of AED 500 and will be assessed six points on your licence.
If you were the one who caused a serious accident and then sought to flee the site of the accident, you will be held legally responsible for your actions by the court.
Even if something other than a vehicle was involved in the collision, the occurrence is still considered to be an accident. You are mandated to dial 999 and report this incident to the local authorities as soon as possible.
It will not be possible to restore the damage unless a report is filed with the appropriate authorities.
Road accidents are inevitable. Whether you are driving your own vehicle or one that you leased, you should be aware of all that has to be done once you arrive at your destination.
You should also refrain from disputing with the police while they are compiling the report and cooperate with them as they do their investigation. Because of this, you will be shielded from any future legal problems that may arise.
You can get additional information by reading our guide on contesting a traffic ticket in Dubai, which is available here.