If you ever needed finite proof that fandoms rule TV shows (and not the other way around), you need to keep up with TV polls.
Go to your voting page now:
Vote for TV Redemption 2022

As you well know, we’re dedicated to keeping the shows on air that our fandom family loves, so it’s high time we dive into the TV poll world to help our favorite shows stay around or be saved.
We’re going to share the results of our polls with complete data, metrics, and geographic information publicly, so if any studios are on the fence about a renewal they can see just how large and dedicated each fandom is for their shows. (Don’t worry: your personal data is always safe with us here. We wouldn’t dream of sharing names, email addresses, IP addresses, or anything of the like).

- You can vote as many times as you’d like in each poll. You’ll only have to wait one minute between each.
- Voting is open internationally.
- TV shows included in the categories must be available to watch in the USA legally and have had a season air after Jan 1st, 2019, unless the category specifies otherwise.
- The links to each poll will be posted here daily.
We know how powerful TV fandoms are. Here’s another chance to make your voice heard. Limber up your fingers, because now’s the time to vote.
Bookmark this page and don’t forget to join the conversation over at Twitter so you don’t miss any daily polls.
Scroll down and find the links to the Bingewatch Awards voting pages!

Select a voting page below