Quarantine isn’t over yet: Try these at-home date night ideas
Quarantine may seem like a difficult time for relationships to blossom – but that doesn’t have to be true at all. You don’t have to go out to grow close. Sure, it’s nice to journey out to a restaurant or concert with your significant other, but you really can have just as much fun from home. All it takes is a little bit of creativity.
Date options during quarantine aren’t nearly as limited as you might think. Whether you’re stuffed close together or severed by distance, there are lots of ways for you to have a good time with your partner. Here are ideas that might pave the way for some lovely evenings together.
Dinner & a movie
Cooking is way more enjoyable when it’s done with someone else. While cooking can seem like a drag at times, it can become really fun if you have a whole plan that you execute with your partner. Either pick up some special ingredients the next time you venture out to go shopping or take inventory on what you have in the fridge.
All you have to do next is find a cool recipe, pop on some music, and plan it out. Then again – if you’re not into cooking just order something nice and set it up all fancy for you to enjoy. Just pour a generous glass of wine and set up a movie. Dinner & a movie have always paired nicely and it’s actually super easy to do from home. (And it’s way less expensive too!) Sharing a meal is one of the best ways to get in some bonding time.
Music mayhem
There are so many ways to enjoy music from your home. If you’re a musician you can perform concerts or serenades together – nothing makes the heart swell like a special song dedicated to you. But even if you’re not a musician you could still plan a karaoke night or simply jam out to your favorite tune and have a little dance party for two.
Still pining for some live music? You can go to a concert from home too! Many artists are playing free shows that you can live-stream. Most are asking that you donate to charities when you watch. Just check websites like LiveNation & Billboard to see if any of your favorite bands are performing online events.
Game night
Gaming options are endless nowadays! If you’d like to step away from a screen you could play some board games like Scrabble, Yahtzee, or Settlers of Catan. That time away from blue light can be incredibly relaxing & rejuvenating. You’d forget how nice it is to actually play things in person.
However, if you’re into video gaming there are some amazing multiplayer options out there. If you’re looking for a game to play just flip through Steam and connect over Discord where you can share screens. If you’re looking for ideas you can always watch streamers on Twitch play.
Another game we highly recommend is Dungeons & Dragons. Role-playing games like D&D are always a great way to curb your loneliness and have adventures from home. If you’ve ever been curious about the game, lean into that inclination, and find yourself a group. You can also play D&D virtually over Roll20 or simply over video-cam if you’re not together in person. One-on-one sessions are particularly enjoyable.
Painting party
Looking for a way to destress? Art is a wonderful way to unwind. All you have to do is get some art supplies – any paper & paint will do – and set up a little station where you can create whatever you want. Either agree on a painting you both want to do or go nuts.
If you’re looking for ideas you can watch Bob Ross stream on Twitch or attend a virtual painting class. Studios like Pinot’s Palette actually offer virtual classes that can take you through a step-by-step process. Following instructions like these can help you guys compare & contrast your art styles and create some awesome masterpieces.
You can even try to paint portraits of each other or paint on each other if you want – go all out, get freaky! It’s a blast no matter what happens. If the paintings turn out terrible that doesn’t matter – it’s all about the experience. Plus – painting pairs really well with a glass of wine.
Just walk or talk
Quarantine can make you feel like you can’t even step outside. But that’s far from true. It’s important to venture outside to get some fresh air & exercise. There’s no one better to do this with than that special someone. Going out on walks in remote locations can reconnect you with nature & your partner at the same time. The exercise will lift your spirits and help open up your minds to each other.
Walking can incite great conversation but you can just set the time aside to get in some quality conversations anywhere. There are always new things to learn about each other. Find conversation starter topics like “What was your favorite childhood toy” – you’d be surprised how memorable fresh conversations can be.
If you feel like staying inside and don’t quite feel like just talking (wink) – then get to it. All kinds of exercise are important. Remember that even if you’re not physically together in quarantine it’s possible to virtually cuddle – just get all snuggly in bed and yawn together over cam. Or spice it up a bit and send a certain kind of pic. 😉 All that matters is that you’re finding some new way to connect.
Did any of these strike your fancy? What are your favorite at-home dates? Let us know in the comments below.