Exploring Approaches to Cultivating Kratom
Kratom has become a household name in the alternative medicine industry. Originally from Southeast Asia, this herb is now cultivated in many countries worldwide, due to its perceived medicinal properties.
Both scientific studies and anecdotal reports suggest that kratom may treat or mitigate various ailments. The herb has demonstrated particular efficacy against pain, anxiety, and fatigue. Some people also administer it for inflammatory issues, nausea & inappetence, sleep disorders, and erectile dysfunction (ED).
With the growing body of research on kratom’s medicinal properties, we can only predict a corresponding surge in the demand for this novelty herb. One way to cash in on that demand is to become a kratom grower.
Below is an expert guide on how to cultivate kratom.
1. Determine If It’s Legal
The fact that kratom provides numerous science-backed health benefits doesn’t mean you can just up and start cultivating it. That’s because the herb is regulated in many countries.
Determining kratom’s legality in your jurisdiction is the only way to avoid any penalties for illegally cultivating the tree. It also allows you to determine whether reputable brands like Kratom Earth can ship essential products, such as kratom seeds, to your location.
Fortunately, kratom is federally legal in the United States and Canada. Most states, provinces, and territories in both countries maintain permissive kratom laws too.
2. Understand the Strains
Kratom exists in several strains, with each having its signature effects.
White-vein kratom is famous for its stimulating properties. Consider growing this strain if you’re mostly targeting recreational kratom users.
Red-vein kratom is typically soothing. Such is the strain to cultivate if most of your clients will be medical kratom users.
If you’re in doubt as to which of the two strains to choose, consider green-vein kratom. Green-vein strains are both energizing and soothing, making them suitable for various kratom users.
3. Choose Whether to Grow Kratom from Seeds or Cuttings
Like most trees, kratom can grow from both seeds and cuttings.
The biggest advantage of growing kratom from seeds is that it makes it easier to pick your strains. Besides, some seeds have been bioengineered to eliminate weak traits, such as poor yields and long maturation.
However, kratom seeds have a notoriously low germination rate. This is where cuttings come in.
4. Pick Between Indoor and Outdoor Growing
Kratom can thrive both indoors and outdoors. Each location has its perks and drawbacks.
Outdoor growing is ideal for busy farmers who may not have ample time to tend to their kratom plants. However, this option exposes your trees to the cruelties of the elements.
On the other hand, indoor growing works best if you’re trying to cultivate kratom discreetly. It also gives you a higher control of the growing environment. Just remember to set up a reasonably tall greenhouse, as mature kratom plants may hit towering heights of 100 feet (30.5 meters).
5. Prepare the Grow Area
Whether you’ve chosen to grow kratom indoors or outdoors, you’ll need to prepare the location adequately. Much of this entails plowing the soil.
Plowing helps in turning over and mixing the nutrients in the soil. It also breaks up compact soil, thereby promoting drainage and aeration.
Another aspect of preparing the grow area entails checking for soil pH. Kratom thrives best in slightly acidic soils with a pH range of 5.5 – 6.5.
6. Germinate and Transplant the Seeds/Cuttings
Kratom seeds require a warm, moist environment to germinate. You can achieve those conditions by wrapping the seeds in a moist paper towel.
Cover the towel with another moist paper and set it in a container. Wait for about a week for the seeds to germinate.
If you prefer to grow kratom from cuttings, you’ll need to obtain a fresh cutting from a mature kratom tree. Place the piece in half a cup of distilled water and add a teaspoon of salt to the water.
Let the cuttings stay in the water until they begin to sprout roots. You can then transport them to their permanent growing location.
7. Space the Seedlings Adequately
Kratom trees can produce a canopy up to 15 feet wide. So, after transplanting the seedlings to the permanent growing location, it’s important to space them at least 15 feet apart.
This helps reduce competition for nutrients. It also ensures proper aeration, a lack of which could promote the spread of fungal infections.
Note that certain seeds may be genetically engineered to produce smaller canopies. So, try to understand the genetic properties of kratom seeds before purchasing them.
8. Maintain the Ideal Growing Conditions
Kratom requires frequent watering. The conventional wisdom is to water the plants when the topsoil layer (about one inch) feels dry.
Kratom also favors a temperature range between 75°F to 90°F (24°C to 32°C), alongside relative humidity of 70% to 90%.
As for sunlight, ensure the trees receive at least 7 hours of direct light daily.
9. Conduct Routine Inspections
Many kratom growers probably inspect the trees only to check if they’re ripe for harvesting.
However, routine inspection is also a proactive measure against pests and diseases.
Stroll through your kratom plantation every few days to check for signs of pests and disease. Remove every diseased part, as you also apply non-toxic pesticides to control pests.
Becoming a kratom cultivator is an ingenious way to invest in this lucrative industry. Fortunately, you don’t need to possess green thumbs to excel as a kratom grower. All it takes is following the above-listed tips.