HomePosts Tagged "Kevin Williamson"

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Ghostface returns in a new trailer for 'Scream 5'. Despite some previously average sequels, 'Scream 5' is set to revive one of horror's favorite killers.

'The Vampire Diaries' delivered eight seasons of jaw-dropping plot twists, including a. . . magical vampire pregnancy? Even Candice King was shocked!

'Scream' is one of those movies that perfectly balances humor and horror. Here's everything we know about 'Scream 5' and its release.

We’re turning our attention to the scariest horror screenplays so you can find out how to bring the chills with your writing skills.

Let’s load up our machine guns, sharpen up those machetes, and get this show on the road – here’s a ranking of Robert Rodriguez’s ten most merciless movies.

Netflix's 'The Order' had some big acts to follow. Here’s our ranking of the most terrifying teen horror shows ever made.

Get ready for those belly butterflies to start flapping, as we’re ranking the top teenage romance TV shows that made our hearts skip a beat.

It's Pride week! For our younger readers, here’s our ranking of eleven of the best LGBTQI teen TV show characters of all time.