Black Lightning: The most celebrated superheroes of color
We’re stoked Ms. Marvel will make her on-screen debut. In celebration, here’s a ranking of the ten most butt-kicking, badass
We’re stoked Ms. Marvel will make her on-screen debut. In celebration, here’s a ranking of the ten most butt-kicking, badass
'Deadpool': the most innovative recent superhero film as well as a touchstone for a drained genre – here are all
To keep you hyped before 'The Boys' premieres, check out these other non-traditional superhero movies that offer similar alternative twists.
'Aquaman' has come and gone without too much fanfare. We’re going to take a look at the most ridiculous superheroes
We're absolutely stoked that The CW's 'Batwoman', premiering in October, features the first openly gay female superhero to lead a
Check out our compilation of superhero flicks of the past 10 years below and click to vote in our Bingewatch
Considering how popular superheroes have been since the 80s, it’s surprising a Black Panther movie didn't happen until 2018. So
Over the weekend, Nicole Maines was announced as being cast in the role during the Supergirl panel at San Diego
In the wake of the 'Deadpool 2' release, it’s time to talk about the downside of superhero movies. You’d be
Because we can’t seem to get enough of the Batman mythos these days, yet another TV show based on the