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Having a plan of action will help you and your family stay healthy in the months ahead. Let’s look at the ways to support healthy living.

Staying Healthy Shouldn’t Be So Hard

Whether you’re living alone or part of a large family, heading into the fall and winter is a time to evaluate your strategies for health. With climate changes, seasonal changes, and activity changes, having a plan of action will help you and your family stay healthy in the months ahead. Let’s look at the top 4 ways to support healthy living.

Eating Nutritious Food

As most of us eat every day, several times a day, choosing nutritious food is a key part of staying healthy. As medical experts point out, it’s easy to turn to food for comfort during stressful or emotional times. Eating comfort foods has an impact, and it is both short-term and long-term.

In the short term, we may feel comforted, warm, and calmer. In the longer picture, we may set up habits that are hard to shake. Plus, we may find that we’re carrying around unwanted weight. 

The solution? Create a habit of choosing healthy and whole foods. Look for a rainbow selection of fruits and vegetables. Steer clear of foods that are loaded with sugar and fats.

Tip: If you feel that you need more support in the food department, consider working with a dietician to upgrade your food habits. 

Establishing Structures

If you’re working from home, having less social contact, and shifting to new habits, health experts advise establishing routines. Having a structure that you can control and manage is key to feeling “in control” even if external circumstances are in flux. Consider ways to build healthy structures into your daily, weekly, and monthly schedule. 

For example, set up a time of day and week to get outside for some fresh air and exercise. In a short time, you’ll seek that activity for its calming and health-affirmative benefit. 

Look at your sleep habits to create a structure that meets your personal requirements for rest. Going to bed at a consistent time and arising at a set time in the morning is a simple way to support health.

To get more support for staying active, reach out to people in your community. Many professionals are working from home and will enjoy meeting up for a walk. It’s a fast way to add more activity, foster social contact, and establish structure.

Tip: Contact a family member, friend, or neighbor to go for a walk. Make a date for today, or later this week.

Gaining Insights

Now is a great time to gain insights into your personal state of health. If you have struggled with specific issues such as allergies in the past, you know how important it is to be selective in your choices. You may find that certain soaps, household cleaners, and cleaning supplies help keep allergic reactions to a minimum.

If you notice certain responses to products, take charge and get precise data with an allergy test. You may have uncomfortable symptoms such as an itchy throat, watery eyes, or sneezing. It’s now possible to take a home collection test and get clear insights that can help you take control of your health and wellness.

As you explore your personal health, you may find that you have concerns, feelings, and issues about your immunity and overall health. Consider increasing your fluids by drinking water regularly. Experiment with increasing your fluid intake with green teas, broths, soups, and kombucha.

Tip: If you experience difficulty, use self-testing to get up-to-date data. Be sure to talk with your medical provider to evaluate further options of care.

Staying Connected

Connecting with friends and loved ones is important for a healthy life and a happy immune system. Studies show that a lack of socializing can be harmful to mental and physical health. 

Naturally, as new guidelines emerge, many people are looking for innovative ways to stay connected with family and friends. 

Consider setting up a regular time to meet and catch up via zoom. Listen to a podcast together and chat about what you learned. Organize a celebration with a shared menu and a virtual dinner party if you have been out of touch. 

Tip: If you feel out of touch with loved ones, find a simple way to get in touch. Pick up the phone or jump on the computer to reach out to people you care about, today.

Wrapping It Up

Staying healthy shouldn’t be so hard. By making smart decisions and taking daily action, you are helping yourself and those you love. 

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