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Home Health Care: Tools, Tips, and Strategies for Daily Living

One of the cost-effective ways of improving care is by shifting the care delivery from an institutional setting to a home. Home-based care for frail patients is nothing short of a challenge. Not all patients can afford the expensive care in hospitals. Hiring in-home healthcare services would help family members overcome some of the challenges posed by home healthcare.

Whether you are suffering from an acute illness or recovering from surgery, many vulnerable patients prefer getting treatment at home rather than in a hospital. Undoubtedly, managing the patient’s care needs is hard at home as it requires you to make drastic changes to the living space.

Home Health Care: Tools, Tips, and Strategies for Daily Living 

A major challenge posed by home health care is the lack of supporting infrastructure and medical devices required for the patient’s care. The patient’s room needs to be modified and equipped with the needed medical equipment. Before moving care to home, assess whether or not the patient will be able to receive acute care in a home setting.

The following list of tools, tips, and strategies will help people decide on a home healthcare 

Tools Required 

It depends on the patient’s condition and mobility. Consult with the physician about the medical equipment that the patient would need at home. Considering the patient’s condition, the doctor will ask you to install certain medical devices.

Additionally, a family member has to invest in specific mobility aids based on how well they can move and walk. Invest in low-tech or advanced mobility aids depending on the budget and needs.

  • Cans 
  • Crutches 
  • Wheeled-walkers 
  • Manual wheelchair 
  • PAPAWs
  • Motorized scooter 
  • Power vehicles 

Tips and Strategies For Daily Living 

After investing in the required tools, follow the given tips and strategies to keep up with the patient’s daily activities.

Familiarize Yourself with Specialist Equipment – Learn to use the medical care equipment from the hospital staff or in-home caregivers. Make sure at least one of the family members has undergone some form of training or is familiar with the medical devices. It will help them care for the patient when the caregiver is not around.

Modify the Living Space – First off, rearrange furniture to leave a clear walkway and use non-slip carpeting. Install a light at the top of the stairs and fix loose handrails. Install grab bars inside the bathroom and install anti-slip bathroom matt to keep it safe to use. 

In addition, a raised toilet seat would help patients get on and off easily. Declutter the space to reduce the risk of tripping.

Plan Fun Activities – It is easy for patients to get anxious when they have nothing to do. For patients with cognitive disorders, play games like dominoes and bingo for mental stimulation. Additionally, plan mutual physical activities and exercise for patients with mobility issues.

Interestingly enough, gardening would be a therapeutic hobby for most patients. They can care for the plants without getting tired and enjoy their healing effects.


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