Texas’s reaction to double hurricanes: Turn it into a meme
With double-whammy hurricanes heading for Texas right now, Texans are doing what they can to prepare. Texas, we send our prayers & memes your way.
With double-whammy hurricanes heading for Texas right now, Texans are doing what they can to prepare. Texas, we send our prayers & memes your way.
Is Claudia Conway really seeking emancipation from her parents, including Kellyanne Conway? Discover if the Conway family will fall apart and why.
Leon Black is just the next in a slew of names being tied to Jeffrey Epstein. So who is the buisnessman and how did he know Epstein?
2020 hit us hard and after quarantine we're all shook. The new "you changed" meme on Twitter illustrates our post-quarantine metamorphosis perfectly.
The Mars rover sends us many striking photos of the Martian landscape. Explore the strange planet and see why "alien experts" think there's life on Mars.
Could there be other life in the universe? NASA may have found an inhabited planet. Discover whether or not we'll meet aliens soon.
One of Ghislaine Maxwell's accusers says she told them to "give Jeffrey what he wants". When and where could this have happened?
Have you seen Robert Pattinson as the new Batman yet? Check out these memes from DC's 'The Batman' and see what fans are saying.
Some alien hunters think that extraterrestrials are living on Saturn's moons. Discover one wild theory about how aliens could be closer than we think.
Looking for news that's lighthearted & positive? Check out this heartwarming story about an adorable penguin who loves to binge watch T.V. shows.