HomePosts Tagged "Runaways"

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Avengers, assemble! Take our quiz now: it's dedicated completely to Marvel TV shows like 'Jessica Jones', 'Daredevil', and 'Luke Cage'.

Are you a huge fan of the Marvel Universe? Well, let's test that out. Check out our list of Marvel TV shows you may have forgotten about here.

Have you burnt through your to-watch list of TV shows already? Check out these fantastic titles like 'Into the Badlands' which have stayed under the radar.

Teen shows are a TV staple. Here's a list of the best teen based shows since the 1990s.

Marvel's ‘Runaways’ cast fell short of other modern superhero shows. Here are the biggest reasons why.

Here’s everything you need to know about Marvel's 'Cloak & Dagger' universe and how it may pertain to Freeform’s latest hit show.

We're absolutely stoked that The CW's 'Batwoman', premiering in October, features the first openly gay female superhero to lead a TV show.

'Runaways' S2 and 'Cloak & Dagger' are out and likely to be renewed for S3, so fans got excited about a potential crossover in upcoming seasons.

The Parents Television Council is urging for '13 Reasons Why' to be cancelled by Netflix. Here are 13 reasons why the show shouldn't be cancelled.