HomePosts Tagged "Ready Player One"

Ready Player One Tag


When you’re expecting a blockbuster and wind up with a flop. Here are 10 movies which ended up being bad.

After a steep plummet due to Facebook's outage, will the Meta rebranding only keep his net worth falling? See Mark Zuckerberg's concept of the Metaverse.

We're about a year away from 'House of the Dragon' flying across our screens. Feed your anticipation by taking a peek at these cast photos!

Is 'Infinity War' really the most ambitious crossover event in history? We're diving into other impressive movie & cast crossovers.

Every nerd has already read and watched 'Ready Player One', but the sequel 'Ready Player Two' isn't a movie yet. Is an adaptation coming soon?

Hollywood has been saturated in dystopian fiction lately. It's high time audiences experienced some cinematic utopias instead.

South Korea has been doing well with its vast array of horror / thriller films at the box office recently. Case in point: 'Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum'.

It’s time for an Easter Egg hunt! Today we’re looking at all the pop culture goodies in Steven Spielberg’s sci-fi flick 'Ready Player One'.

Do your characters have backstories for powerful motivation? We’ve got the perfect screenwriting tricks to motivate you into motivating your characters.