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Do you like to drink? Do you like to play Dungeons and Dragons? Here are the new geek bars that will let you do both and then some!

Out of Keanu Reeves' entire filmography, 'Constantine' is his most underrated. Check out how the movie came to be and why some criticize the storyline.

The MCU is the biggest pop culture phenomenon of the 2010s. We break down the best movies and their comic inspiration.

Do you love graphic novels? Check out ‘Fun Home’ and eight other novels which should be adapted into movies.

Gather your very own fantastic four and raise your Infinity Gauntlet to the Marvel mastermind, Stan Lee, who has passed away aged 95.

Paul Scanlan graces Film Daily with candid answers to questions about Legion M's disruptive take on fan-focused movie crowdfunding.

Legion M is a production company, a movie studio, and a multimedia entertainment company, but all funded by fans – and with fans comes your audience.